9 Tips to get the most out of your massage.
Be as receptive and open to the massage process as possible.
Do not eat 2 hours before a massage session.
Choose to have your massage session at your place and avoid commuting in traffic by rushing to get to the massage center.
Contact your therapist
• Give feedback during the massage about pressure, speed of execution, etc.
• Don’t be afraid to discuss any worries or concerns.
• Let your therapist know if you prefer sessions with or without the music.If you are conferencing at home adjust the room temperature and lighting etc.
Remember to breathe normally as it helps you relax quicker.
Ease your muscles and mind. Tightening and contracting your muscles during the massage does not help you achieve the desired results.
Drink extra water after your massage.
Do not get up abruptly from the massage bed after your session.
Be prepared to schedule multiple massage sessions. Massage has its greatest benefits over time. The therapeutic effects of massage increase so the more often you hold your massage session, the better you will feel and the faster your body will respond.